本地艺术家联乘苏桦伟先生 创作NFT收益捐香港残奥委会

Mr. So Wah Wai, BBS, MH and the representatives of Hong Kong Paralympic Committee attended the unveiling ceremony of Asia's first outdoor digital gallery project donate NFT's proceeds to Hong Kong Paralympic Committee

本会代表与苏桦伟先生BBS, MH于5月31日(二)出席本地艺术家辛朝殷先生与Asiaray联手打造名为用心香港亚洲首个户外城市数码画廊计画揭幕仪式,作品以6位知名运动员为蓝本,包括:苏桦伟、方力申、伍家朗、曹星如、欧铠淳及何诞华,结合艺术创作与数码技术,展示NFT的艺术作品。收益扣除成本后部份会捐予运动员指定相关团体作公益用途。本会有幸成为苏桦伟先生指定的受惠机构,透过相关艺术作品的展出,向社会大众宣传残奥运动精神,售出的部份收益,本会将用作协助推动本地残奥运动项目发展、宣扬残奥运动精神。

NFT art of local artist to donate proceeds
Mr. So Wah Wai, BBS, MH and the representatives of Hong Kong Paralympic Committee attended the unveiling ceremony of Asia's first outdoor digital gallery project
Mr. So Wah Wai, BBS, MH and the representatives of Hong Kong Paralympic Committee attended the unveiling ceremony of Asia's first outdoor digital gallery project